Our Family : Family Portaits

Dear Aunt Darla ~

Thank you so much for coming up last month to visit us all.  Thanks for helping us make more good memories, for loving us all so much, for taking some of our love back home to your wonderful husband that we miss!  Thank you for pictures together.

We love you!
     ~ Moriah

When we went to the park to take pictures of us together my father and older brother were both working but we snapped some with them later.

 After group pictures, it was time for everyone to get their picture taken with Aunt Darla individually.


Right as we were loading into our van to head off, I asked Aunt Darla to snap a picture of my little sister and I together.  I'm so glad she did!  Thank you!! I love this photo.

(For all of you wondering, yes, she is taller than me:)

As for those later photos, the ones everyone was around for, here they are.

P.S. Thank you to everyone who helped take all these pictures!

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